We are on our own journeys for researching answers to our own questions for this term's inquiry. We have linked our questions to the 'BIG IDEA' this year which is 'Kia Tupu, Kia Hua, Kia Puawai' which means 'To Grow, To Prosper and To Sustain'.
Some of our questions:
'What are the effects of Global Warming?'
'What would happen if there were no humans on earth?'
'What are the effects of air pollution?'
'Why do giraffes have long necks?'
'Why do people eat animals?'
'Why do hunters kill animals?'
As a class we have discussed the types of resources we should be using - online sources, books, journals, people, newspaper articles, magazines and brochures etc. We are working very hard and can't wait to share our information with you.
Our individual questions..... |
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